To upgrade to the WildPackets driver, follow these steps: 1. Open the Network Connections control panel.
2. Select the appropriate connection, right-click on it, and select properties.
3. Click on Configure, the Driver tab, and then on Update driver.
4. Click on 'Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)', and then on Next.
5. Click on 'Don't search. I will choose the driver to install.' and then on Next.
6. Click the Have Disk button.
7. Browse to the directory where you installed the program plus the subdirectory "Driver\AtherosAR5001" and select the net5211.inf file (for example C:\Program Files\WildPackets\AiroPeek\Driver\AtherosAR5001).
8. Click on Open and then OK.
9. Choose the appropriate manufacturer and network adapter and click on Next.
10. Click on Yes to continue the installation when you receive the message saying 'Installing this driver is not recommended because Window cannot verify that it is compatible with your hardware.'.
11. Click on 'Continue Anyway' to continue the installation when you receive the message saying 'The software you are installing for this hardware: '...' has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatibility with Windows XP.'.
12. If asked for file "ar5211.sys", browse again to the directory in step 6 or choose it from the popup list.
13. Click on Finish to complete the installation and close the properties window.
14. Select Yes to reboot.