Loipon xari ston kompra gia thn idea auth kai epishs ston (PANTHER),
Sas exw edw to proggramataki My.Start.Button.1.1.0 einai ena proggramataki opou allazeis
to start twn windows me oti 8eleis. EKOS MY START BUTTON 1.1.0
Why not changing the boring "Start" word on your start button. You can now type whatevet you want on your start button.
You can make a sweet surprise to your love, by typing your love on you start button. You can say your trust on your favourite soccer team. You can even type your company's name on every start button on your company, which will yield in a great synergia in your company. Iı is also possible to type the names of projects of your teams, on start buttons of each personnel in that team. \
What you can write on your start button is limited to your imagination.
Do you like seeing your motto on your start button all the time you work which will give you extra energy for ending your work in the time. Try motivating your self with the greatest words of time.
Do you need a reminder which is in front of your eyes all the time and which will not disturb you and will not need extra screen space. Type anything you dont want to forget on your start button and remember whenever you click it